Whisper Overview:
The Whisper satellite unit comes with a number of different means to charge it, the 110/220V mains charger with 5V mini USB output, or the 12V cigar lighter, or the mini USB cable to a laptop. Using any of these means for 5 hours will provide a full charge. When charging is complete the unit will display a full green battery icon.
The unit can be safely operated whilst charging; the battery icon will not correctly display the charging status unless the unit is fully charged from a power source.
When fully charged the Whisper is capable of up to 900 continuous position reports with no power saving settings and up to 1800 using sleep mode at 10 minute intervals. The unit will report for approximately 8 days at 15 minute reporting.
Track24 recommends that the Whisper unit is tested monthly to ensure a steady Iridium and GPS fix. This will be shown on the homepage of the unit, with Valid Fix indicating successful satellite and GPS communication. The strength of the Iridium connection is also shown by the number of vertical bars, whilst the strength of the GPS signal is shown by the number of curved bars. If the Whisper does not have Iridium coverage, then it will not report to the platform.
If you are having issues with your Whisper we recommend checking:
- Is the antenna securely fixed to the unit?
- Is the Whisper in personnel mode? To check this, go to the Tracking section, select configuration, and then ensure the Whisper is in personnel mode. When in vehicle mode, the Whisper will only report when plugged in with a vehicle charger.
- Check your Whisper's reporting rate from the Tracking section, to ensure it is set to report regularly.
- Check if your Whisper is set to use the correct antenna, internal antenna should be the chosen option for using the default antenna attached to the Whisper.
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