Find details on all company Grid users on the left hand side of main screen. Users can also be added to Groups, which controls what they can and cannot see on the Grid.
- Alert Tracker: this type of user has the lowest level of permissions. This user can only see assets during a panic alarm. Alert Trackers cannot view history, summary or reports.
- End User: this type of user is given permission to monitor the Grid platform and add a Zoom Map only. This user is unable to manage or reset alarms, add geofences, send messages, add a point of interest to the Grid or view user profiles.
- Advanced User: This user level is able to monitor activity on the Grid, add Zoom maps, manage and reset alarms, send messages and poll devices. This is not an admin role, so this user is unable to do administrative tasks such as adding any new points of interest to the map or editing devices.
- Device Group Admin: These users are assigned to a specific group or variety of groups. For those specific groups, the user has complete control to monitor all Grid activity, manage locations and geofences, view maps, manage and reset alarms and edit a device (excluding the tracker ID).
- Customer Admin: This user has full permissions and access to the Grid. This type of user can add and manage locations, add and manage geofences, send messages, add Zoom maps, manage and reset alarms, edit a device, including the tracker ID, add, view and edit users and profiles, poll devices and add new groups.
Please note: whilst these user levels have default permissions, they can be further customized by using the ‘Features’ option when adding a new user. This allows Administrators to remove features such as Summary, History and Reports from an individual user.
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