Clicking on Overlays-Search on the left-hand side, you open the menu to search Points of Interest, Overlays and Routes. First, you can select the source(s). ‘My POIs’ and ‘My Overlays’ refer to all the custom POIs and Overlays you have created. You can also search for the OpenStreetMap POIs (explained below).
There are three methods to search for Overlays and POIs:
The first method is using the Search bar and typing in the key word which relates to your saved feature. Below we search for Health POIs in Baghdad on a map where we had already searched for Overlays in the area.
The second method is by clicking on the icon (below) which lists all of your saved Overlays, POIs and Routes. Clicking on the magnifying glass will zoom to the POI on the map.
The third is a spatial search following the same principles as the Incident spatial search. Under Location, you have the option to draw a point, line or polygon on the map and search for data within a defined radius of the object on the map.
Once you search, everything that has been searched displays in the results section, where it can be toggled on and off.
The OpenStreetMap project, a crowd-sourced mapping platform on whose data the Mapbox maps we use are based, also includes a substantial POI database of its own. These are categorised and geolocated and stored in our database so they are searchable inside the IMS. Select OSM POIs under Source on the search menu to view these.
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