Here you can create and manage your inspection templates. Templates you add here will be viewable on your inspector's CheckSafe app.
Clicking on the three dots presents you with the option to Edit, Delete or Duplicate a template.
Creating a Template
Give the template an overall title outlining the type of inspection it is (such as Daily inspection). You can go into further detail in the “Description" cell. You must then select an IVMS Group that you wish to assign the template to.
You can then add a section which acts as a parent group for your individual questions. For example, a section might be “Internal Checks” and the questions under it would all be associated with the internal items in the vehicle.
With each question, you can choose between a number of variables:
- Pass/Fail
This option is used for questions that require a simple binary response (i.e Is a Vehicle Licence Disc in date and on display?).
- Numeric
This option gives you the opportunity to request a numerical value between a range (min-max) and a safety threshold (min-max). An example of this would be a tyre pressure reading. The minimum range would be 0, the maximum would be the maximum type pressure value and the threshold would be the value of which it is safe to drive on.
- Percentage
Similar to the numeric question type, the percentage allows you define a percentage threshold for passing but also a percentage step (i.e If set to = 25, the inspector will be able to select either 25, 50, 75, 100)
Mandatory (on pass/on fail)
This section allows you to request that the inspector either adds a comment or photo to their answer. Selecting one of these cells means that the inspector cannot submit an inspection without including a comment/photo for that particular question.
Here you can assign a tag to your question. This tag will be visible to the inspectors, which can help them to interpret the severity and classify an inspection item. If you set this to none it means no alerts will be sent if this question fails an inspection. Therefore, items without tags are non-critical by default.
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