The purpose of the Maps Panel is to provide a general search interface for your data, and one that provides several 'filters' to the data.
You can filter your search by:
- Drivers
- Vehicles
- Event Types
- Speed (minimum and maximum)
- Date and time (down to the minute)
Please note that you need to tick off at least one driver, one vehicle and one event type for any results to be generated. The only optional filter when creating a new search is Speed (kmph). If you have ticket off for vehicles, but no drivers or event types, your search result will tell you that there are no events found, which in some instances will not be correct.
Click Search when you have selected your different filters.
The search result section will appear under the search filters, and will display the results by event type. The events will also be shown on the map.
If the results include more than one event type, the different types will be colour coded on the map when displaying the events as clusters or pins. It is possible to hide an event type from your map by clicking on the event type in the search result section.
In addition, when displaying events as pins or clusters, you are able to click on an individual event, or a cluster. A pop up box will then appear with further information regarding the event(s), including driver, vehicle, speed, location, date and time.
It is also possible to display the events as a heatmap. You can choose between the three viewing options over the search result section.
Your search result can be further filtered by time by ‘brushing’ (selecting) a period of time from the histogram along the bottom of the page. You are then able to break your result even more down and further investigate specific details of your results.
Click on the south-facing arrow icon to either count the number of events within a created circle, or to measure a distance or an area.
The measured distance function will tell you the distance, in kilometers, of a created line. Click once on the map where you want your line to start, it is possible to change direction of the line by clicking once. Double click to get the measured distance of the created line.
The measured area function work in similar ways to the measure distance function, but instead shows the square kilometre of an area. Click once on the map where you want to start creating your area. One additional click equals one additional corner to the area. Double click to get the measures. The results will also display the event count within the created area.
Events count lets you create a circle which will tell you how many event counts there are inside a created circle. Click and hold down to adjust the size of the area. The results will also tell you the square kilometers of the created area.
Several different map styles can be selected in the bottom right corner of the map, including Street, Terrain, and Satellite imagery. You can find more information about managing map base layers here.
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