It is possible to edit, delete and turn on/off an immediate alert. You can do this by following these steps:
- Navigate to Notifications on the Panel Selector (menu) located on the left hand-side of the page.
- Click on View Immediate Alerts.
- To turn an immediate alert on or off, please toggle the on/off button. An alert has been switched off when the button is marked as off.
- To edit an immediate alert, press the edit symbol located on the right hand side of the alert you wish to edit. Remember to Update Alert when you are done editing.
- To delete an immediate alert, press the delete symbol located on the right hand side of the alert you wish to delete. Confirm deleting.
The email notification for an immediate alert will look something like this:
Please note that if response times faster than fifteen minutes, or notifications via SMS are required, then our Grid application must be used. This is because broadly speaking, the focus of the IVMS platform is on the longer term driving patterns of your drivers, whilst our Grid application is about real time visibility and alerting for security.
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