Exclusive geofences can be customised to only be active during specific periods of the day, allowing for security managers to designate areas as dangerous at night for example. Please note this is only available for exclusive geofences and not inclusive geofences. Read more about the difference between exclusive and inclusive geofences here.
To add a time-sensitive geofence please follow the below steps:
1. Go to the geofences area of the Grid
2. Click add geofence
3. Fill out the details for the Geofence
- Give the geofence a name
- Mark it as active
- Select high risk or medium risk exclusive
- Choose Yes for time sensitive
- Choose the start and end time of your active period, and the time zone it applies to
4. Draw the geofence and assign it to a group
5. Click save
6. Note that when the geofence is not in its active time period, it will appear only as an outline rather than a solid geofence.
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