The Critical Event function can be used for any type of event that the operator considers ‘critical’ (fire, flood, terrorist incident, serious transport system failure etc.) and where you want to ensure that your people are safe. Multiple events can be created simultaneously.
Adding a Critical Event
Following the guidance on screen, web operators can create location-based critical events according to the requirements of the situation either by typing an address, pasting lat/long coordinates or by scrolling the map page. Critical Events can also be created directly from data incidents reported in the main map page.
Once the event zone and radius* have been selected, operators can provide additional details such as expected duration of the event.
* Default smallest radius of and Critical Event Zone (CEZ) is 250m to encourage accuracy but this can be changed to a lower value by users (urban canyons and the obstruction of direct line-of-sight (DLOS) can cause inaccuracies in GPS below 250m, thus we encourage users to keep a buffer within a Critical Event zone where possible).
Maintaining a Critical Event
Once the event is created, AtlasNXT polls all mobile devices within the affected country to determine which devices/users are within the Critical Event Zone (CEZ).
App users inside the CEZ will be prompted to respond as to whether they are safe or not (and to optionally share their live location) allowing the platform to assign them into five groups below:
- Inside: Not Safe - device has confirmed it’s inside the CEZ & the user has responded to the notification and marked themselves as Not Safe.
- Inside: No Response - device has confirmed it’s inside the zone, but user has not responded safe or unsafe.
- Location Unknown - no response from user or device. Battery may be dead or the device not under network coverage or the user may not have location services enabled on device.
- Inside: Safe - device has confirmed it’s inside the zone & the user has responded to the notification and marked themselves as Safe.
- Outside - device has confirmed it’s outside the CEZ.
As statuses are updated users will move between the groups. This allows operators to focus their efforts on those deemed most at risk (likely to be Inside: Not Safe and/or Inside : No Response)
Users will also be prompted to share their live location during the event to provide greater accuracy.
Web Operators can then communicate with users in 2 key ways:
Live Updates - sent to all users inside the zone. Additionally, all app users in the affected country can see the CEZ on the map and on their smartphone home screen for awareness.
Individually - by searching for a specific user from a list, or by selecting users to communicate with from one of the 5 groups.
Ending an Event
Once Web Operators are satisfied that an event has been managed successfully, it can be ended and it will be removed from app users screens. Once an event has been closed it is still viewable from the Critical Events page if required but is no longer updated with user locations or status.
Testing Critical Events
Create a Critical Event by clicking on relevant option on the navigation tool
- This will open the Critical Event management panel
- Click on the +New Event button
- In the New critical event pop up enter a location either by typing in a postcode, name of city, town, region or if known the latitude and longitude in the search box.
- Users can also zoom out of the map and add a zone.
- Note the format for Lat/Long is as this example, 41.40338, 2.17403
- Next add a Event radius
- Choose from the default options select “Other” and enter a numerical value
- Click on the Next button
- Then add details for the event by giving the event a Title and Description to help staff understand the situation. Once created, you can provide live updates as needed.
- Add a Duration from minimally 2hrs up to 1 Month
- Note: the Create button is disabled until the Title, Description and Duration have been input
- Now click on the Create button and the event will be created and appear on the map.
Once the event is created the platform polls all devices within the affected country to determine which devices/users are within the Critical Event Zone (CEZ). Mobile users identified within the CEZ will then be encouraged to update their status, and to share their live location, thus enabling operators to concentrate on helping those most in need of assistance.
When the web operator feels the event is under control and all staff are accounted for and safe, they can end the Critical Event.
- Under the button Critical Event Active click and you will see the option Close Critical Event
- The prompt Close event will display in a pop up if happy to proceed then click on the red button Close Event.
- The event will be removed from app users' screens and the map will update and remove the zone.
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