By default, Incidents are pre-populated in AtlasNXT based on its integrated 3rd party data feeds but can also be added singly using the UI, or via CSV bulk upload via the Incidents Logs.
In the Incidents Database, all the data is displayed regarding incidents on the main page. Incidents are added through various means.
Managing Incident Types
Each Incident will fall under an Incident Type (and optionally a sub-type) allowing them to be filtered and sorted via dashboards. Incident Types can also be colour-coded for easier visualisation on the dashboard.
To add incidents in the database you first need to create at least one Incident Type and one Sub-Type.
Perpetrators and Targets
Incidents can also be attributed to involved parties as either Perpetrators or Targets. To add a single incident in the database you first need to create at least one Involved Party.
Loading Incidents
Once the above is completed you can now create a single incident or alternatively you can prepare & upload them in CSV format using either the standard template, or your own custom template.
If using a custom template you will need to identify the matching fields so that the upload functionality can map the data into the Incidents Logs.
To ensure the upload is successful it is crucial to maintain the integrity of the template including ensuring dates are formatted as per the template (i.e. - yyyy-mm-dd).
After you have prepared and uploaded the file upload summary can be viewed and any errors identified via ‘Incident Import Logs’. Errored rows can then be corrected and re-uploaded. Successfully uploaded rows can be viewed, and if required, edited in the Incidents Logs.
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